Monday, November 13, 2006

Focault's pendulum

Well atlast i did manage to finish this book. As i meandered around trying to figure out where the author was meandering around i almost got tired.

I am sure there are many Umberto Eco's fans who found this book amazing but for me it was a lot of crap but a great meaning at the end. Wondered y i had to read about 520 pages to understand this

What the author according to me was trying to say is essentially two important things

1) Everybody tries to build an illusion. Say like my previous post where i took a load of garbage and said it taught me philosophy .Abs crap maybe but i was trying to figure whether others would blv in this. Thankfully they didnt. Probably it was not a story well told. There are some illusions which are common. Isnt there that great story about religion being the opium of the masses . Education is the best one. We are commonly indoctrinated on many issues. Upon this base we will each build our own brand of illusions which make up our ideology and thoughts. A major part of this is our core and the problem is when others differ from us in most of our core ideoligies. We will suffer fools (bcoz they are not different from us) but we will not suffer those who are different .This is when we become fanatics. Our life is built around these illusions.Largely most of us are moderate fools but the fanatics belong to institutions like Opus Dei, Aum shrinkyo and maybe the religious bigots .I built my own story of garbage and psycho babble just to see if there could be commonality but i found more takers for romance than for garbage.

2) Each of us have one high point in life post which we keep tryin to achieve the same. Sachin had his Sharjah post which he has never been the same.Dhirubhai had his shareconference .Unlike sex this is our un super climax on which we really enjoy.There are some who realise this and then go on to thru the motions of life trying to reach minor climaxes. There are others who never realise this and go on tryin to find the pinnacle life. Our pinnacle depends on our own illusion and this illusion will determine the climax and the choices

Now after trying to go thru this psycho- babble i am just trying to figure out what this means to me . I am not sure whether this means anything but this is what i have got from reading this book.

do i sincerely blv in this .I dont think so but it probably doesnt match my illsuison. Is it a paradox like to believe or not to believe . Maybe other guys wills hed some light

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