Sunday, July 23, 2006

Growin up !!!

It was William Wordsworth who quoted " The child is the father of man".. Words which seems funny considering the biology of it.

But looking at it in a different light the wise and the genius among us always seem to have a child like innocence and child like enthusiasm for life.As a child i always seemed to want to grow up. I wanted to be everything from superman to another gandhi to even be arjuna and Big B of the morrow.There was enthusisam in taking a walk and admiring the beauty of the place, enthusiasm to travel in the old rickety ambassadors and the innocence of a kid who just does not bother abt gender.

Today's me is not there. Innocence is past. every body i meet i greet with a cynic 's view. From an age when I would say i can analyse anybody i meet and mostly come out with good views on everybody today i would like to talk about networking and meetin ppl. Y ,bcoz i am hopin that maybe someday they wld be helpful to me just as they hope i am to them. While it is a give n take relationship we r developin it does leave u lonely. My close frnds r mostly from my age of innocence. That is almost the case with most frnds.

I met this interesting individual recently who does not blv in anybody including his parents. Mukesh n Anil Ambani seem to fight n destroy the legacy of their Dad.God is a dirty word nowadays.Every other person is a athiest.

Well what i am i tryin 2 prove!!!. Just wish that one can still be looking at the world thru a child eyes and views. It would be so much more simple. Find joys in the smallest of things a flower, even the innocence and joy with which we cld meet strangers. God was a frnd then , can he again be now??

The only thing i can figure here is that Mr Wordsworth was right " the child is indeed the father of man". The child's inocence makes him sane in this crazy world.

Someday I wld like to be that a child and a happy one 2,!!!

1 comment:

suri said...

Good one Big B...just discovering the philosophical side of u...indeed true...we treat friends sometimes as merely a step to the next destination...